Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of December 12, 2012
ParamountComms: #TwelveDaysOfParamount Day 5 (3/3)
…Edinburgh Festival & Rihanna to name a few. Call us today to see how we can help your event in 2013.
…Edinburgh Festival & Rihanna to name a few. Call us today to see how we can help your event in 2013.
T_Dunne: RT @Duney1990: Got some Edinburgh Festival Comedians as well as @Elissa_F at The Bedford in Balham tonight, come on down!
samgale: RT @Duney1990: Got some Edinburgh Festival Comedians as well as @Elissa_F at The Bedford in Balham tonight, come on down!
Duney1990: Got some Edinburgh Festival Comedians as well as @Elissa_F at The Bedford in Balham tonight, come on down!
ChrisMacspinsto: @BrodyismeFriend I know I said this last year, but I’d love to see you do the Edinburgh Festival next year? Even a week? Bring the Positive.
NikiRendall: @funtimeforbesy get yourself a slot at the Edinburgh festival next summer
FederycoCasadey: Presto nelle vostre case.
#santa #claus #father #christmas #thesnowman #tour #edinburgh #festival #theatre #
#santa #claus #father #christmas #thesnowman #tour #edinburgh #festival #theatre #
PaoloBerria: Davide Sanna Edinburgh Festival – Driving Back Home
DMyers_77: @realDonaldTrump You’re hilarious 🙂 Please do a stand-up show at next year’s Edinburgh Festival.
Robinovlocksley: @ShappiKhorsandi you won’t remember me but will my eldest son (6 month old in audience). edinburgh festival 2009 #topgig
CharlieRoss99: RT @eurovicious: @CharlieRoss99 Remember doing a gig at the Edinburgh Festival in 2003 where only 6 ppl turned up? I was one of them. Loved it. Inspirational
Brontemedia: RT @GaryWarren6: The Edinburgh Festival,created by Rudolf Bing in 1947.But why Edinburgh? Only ’cause the castle reminded ‘ol Rudy of his home town;Salzburg!
GaryWarren6: The Edinburgh Festival,created by Rudolf Bing in 1947.But why Edinburgh? Only ’cause the castle reminded ‘ol Rudy of his home town;Salzburg!
edinburghfest: [Edinburgh] Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of December 11, 2012: HIArts: #hiarts Development Manager…