Broadcast your show to @Edinburghfest 42k+ followers

We'll tweet your show to 42,929+ followers, from £5...

Reach an engaged, active and growing audience for your Edinburgh show, review or special deal instantly!

And all of this comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We’ve been tweeting at @edinburghfest on Twitter since 2007, and as at 09:00 on the 6th of August 2018, had 42,929 followers on Twitter. By now, there may be more...
  • In August of 2015, our tweets reached over 1.1 million pairs of eyeballs - as verified by Twitter's official Analytics package. But we only reached 967,000 people in August 2017. Boo.

Twitter Statistics

1.1 million pairs of eyeballs saw our tweets in August 2015. In 2016 and 2017, we failed, with under a million.

You can reach our engaged and active Edinburgh-loving audience in 2018 by simply investing a few pounds.
  • Simple, secure online ordering with debit or credit card or PayPal
  • 100% satisfaction money back guarantee
  • Your tweets out there within the hour

Some Twestimonials

"Having advertised my Fringe shows on @edinburghfest before, let me tell you – it works. Never had such a good response on Twitter from any promotion as I did then." Alan Bissett for The Moira Monologues

“I did competitions with @edinburghfest last August. It seemed a fun way to advertise, got a lot of RT’s and helped spread the word about my show. Will do it again this year” @Jo Caulfield

"When it comes to EdFringe promo, @edinburghfest cut through the noise to find lovely, curious ticket-buying souls and lured them into our show's web of delight." Literary Death Match

"@edinburghfest is a great local initiative very much on the side of performers -- they know how to put bums on seats." - @VivGroskop
“Great to see some very affordable and decent advertising!” – Tom Stabb @Insensible2015

"Thoroughly recommended!" - @BarnsleyChoir

#TweetFest Package Summaries:

Limited Availability for your Tweets:

All tweets are limited in quantity - we will only broadcast a planned maximum of 15 sponsored tweets on any given day. A maximum of 5 competitions will run at any one time - so early booking will guarantee your chosen day(s). All tweets are limited to 250 characters (links will take up 23 characters, irrespective of the length of the link URL.) Images don't take up extra space. Your text will be prefaced with the hashtag ‘#advert’ or ‘#ad’. We recommend you include a link for ticket booking, time and dates of your show and venue number, for example:
#ad Jo Bloggs stars in My Great Show: “Fantastic! 5*” - Springfield Gazette. #V12 8:10pm 03-29-Aug. £10. #edfringe

Easy secure ordering online

To order your tweets, click the option you require to pre-pay,  and you can send the text of your tweets through the ordering mechanism. You only need to own a credit or debit card - you do not need to have a PayPal account. All tweets are guaranteed to go live within 24 hours, with four and one hour guarantees for OneTweet and ZapTweet services respectively. We reserve the right to edit tweets that are longer than space allows, or refuse tweets we find distasteful or inappropriate. We'll refund you if you're inappropriate. Eew.

Download a simple file to schedule your Tweets and send to us...

For weekly RunTweet, RunTweet Image and WowTweet services, tweets should be delivered for scheduling at least 8 hours in advance using this Excel .xls spreadsheet. If you get a great review, we'll add in a fast, free extra tweet of course! You can always revise tweets and send us a new spreadsheet. Email to along with your image(s) (best below 400Kb) or use the file upload option when you place your order.
  • All services provided come with a 100%, 1,000 day money back satisfaction guarantee.

Want something special, or have a question?

If you have any queries, urgent needs or special requests, use our Contact Form or dial 0775 675 394 now, to speak to David Petherick. Or email
  • Remember that you have 250 characters to use in your tweet.
  • If you include an image, you still have 250 characters.
  • If you include a link, you still have 250 characters - no matter how long the link is.
  • If you include an image AND a link, you still have 250 characters left for your message.

Does it work? Ask our customers.

Our happy customers have included Jo CaulfieldViv Groskop and Barnsley Youth Choir - why not just tweet them and ask how their investment worked out for them?

Here are the packages available, starting from just £5:

  1. OneTweet: Tweet advertising your show, review or offer to 42k+ followers delivered within 4 hours of your request (accepted 10am-10pm): £5.
    Order OneTweet here
  2. PicTweet: Tweet with a picture advertising your show, review or offer to 42k+ followers, delivered within one hour of your request, or at a specified date and time (accepted 10am-10pm): £7.
    Order PicTweet here
  3. TripleTweet:  Three tweets advertising your show, review or offer to 42k+ followers, delivered within four hours of your request (accepted 10am-10pm): £10. Tweets should all be slightly different.
    Order TripleTweet here
  4. RunTweet: Tweet advertising your show, review or offer to 42k+ followers for your run: £14 a week.
    Tweets should all be slightly different. Use our Excel spreadsheet to schedule your tweets.
    Order RunTweet here: 1 Week | 2 Weeks | 3 Weeks
  5. RunTweet Image: Tweet advertising your show, review or offer to 42k+ followers at a time we choose each day and including an image: £22 a week.
    Tweets should all be slightly different. Use our Excel spreadsheet to schedule your tweets.
    Order RunTweet Image here: 1 Week | 2 Weeks | 3 Weeks
  6. WowTweet: Tweets advertising your show to 42k+ followers, with different text each day, at a time you specify each day AND including an image: £25 a week. Tweets should all be slightly different. Use our Excel spreadsheet to schedule your tweets.
    Order WowTweet here: 1 Week | 2 Weeks | 3 Weeks
  7. Twitter Competition: Very popular and successful in 2015, 2016 & 2017: We'll run a competition to win, say, a pair of tickets to your show. Winners will be selected using specially trained monkeys (and software) to ensure efficiency and fairness, and will be notified to you immediately via Twitter or email. You choose the prize, and are responsible for delivering the prize - best at the box office, generally. You can have a number of winners, but simple is best. Cost is £14 per competition for setup, plus £5 for each day the competition is run. You can run a competition with daily winners across multiple days if you wish. You can also specify precise start and end times for the competition. Entries are based on use of your specified hashtag, web link or phrase (or a combination of any or all of the three) and will be tweeted out twice per day.
    Order Twitter Competition here: 1 Day | 2 Days | 3 Days | 1 Week

"Great to see some very affordable and decent advertising!" - Tom Stabb @Insensible2015

"I did competitions with @edinburghfest last August. It seemed a fun way to advertise, got a lot of RT's and helped spread the word about my show. Will do it again this year" @Jo Caulfield


Some Twestimonials

"Having advertised my Fringe shows on @edinburghfest before, let me tell you – it works. Never had such a good response on Twitter from any promotion as I did then." Alan Bissett for The Moira Monologues

“I did competitions with @edinburghfest last August. It seemed a fun way to advertise, got a lot of RT’s and helped spread the word about my show. Will do it again this year” @Jo Caulfield

"When it comes to EdFringe promo, @edinburghfest cut through the noise to find lovely, curious ticket-buying souls and lured them into our show's web of delight." Literary Death Match

"@edinburghfest is a great local initiative very much on the side of performers -- they know how to put bums on seats." - @VivGroskop
“Great to see some very affordable and decent advertising!” – Tom Stabb @Insensible2015

"Thoroughly recommended!" - @BarnsleyChoir

Is it worth investing a fiver?

  • Where else can you reach almost 43,000+ engaged people instantly?
  • How many extra flyers will £5 get you distributed?
  • Did you know there's a 100% satisfaction guarantee?
  • Did you know we got over 1,100,000 Twitter impressions in August 2015? (2017 was quieter with just 967,400).