Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of March 8, 2013
RuairidhGauld: So @ColtCabana is going to be at the Edinburgh festival? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
edfoc: RT @kim_harding: #FF @edfoc the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling, @POPScotland @Transport_ELS also @BotSocScot if you are interested in plants/ecology
DemisKyriacou: Working at the Edinburgh festival this year! Chief mop and bucket ‘artist’ at a local greek restaurant. Dishwashing for an encore.
kim_harding: #FF @edfoc the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling, @POPScotland @Transport_ELS also @BotSocScot if you are interested in plants/ecology
Portsetonpiper: @frankieboyle Great crack Frankie,u any plans to do the Edinburgh Festival again.
Miss_Apple_T: RT @ZoeTheatre: Titus Andronicus | Edinburgh Festival Fringe
ZoeTheatre: Titus Andronicus | Edinburgh Festival Fringe
ZoeTheatre: Titus Andronicus | Edinburgh Festival Fringe
ArleneStuart973: @McInTweet Just having a moment remembering our chats at the Edinburgh Festival. When I’m drunk i take credit for your success! #hugefan x
MsKatySmith: That misty sort of rain, boots that leak, and Stornoway on the old iPod. Suddenly nostalgic for the Edinburgh Festival.
AnnaEBrown: Book cover lovers enjoy!
surroundedbh: RT @edfoc: Anyone interested in running a city centre mountain biking event as part of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling? Please RT
Surrey_News: Greece is the word with Unmythable performance: Fresh from last year’s Edinburgh Festival, the Rose Th… #Surrey
eastendcabaret: @HeraldSunArts would love to be there to watch them, missed them at the Edinburgh Festival last year. bb x
FangirlKelly: David Crowe at Edinburgh Festival 2012. This is who are entertainment is tonight at dinner
SRC3333: RT @thecgf: Glasgow 2014 cultural extravaganza ‘as big as Edinburgh Festival’ planned – #Glasgow2014 #Commonwealth
AmandaPanda75: @theinnersense1 hiya! I’m good Ta! And you? Thanks for sharing “stay now” seen the lady perform during Edinburgh festival once! Bliss
M_M_MBop: My dad genuinely thinks we should take that to the Edinburgh festival. Sounds like a plan #UmmNo
SuzRos: RT @DavidH_design: Edinburgh Festival Design & Print Special Offer!!!
5,000 A6 Postcards
100 A3 Posters
Free Delivery
edfoc: .@LeithCC if you are offering to organise it, we would welcome it under the banner of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling
snoozeboxhotel: @Colin_E_Hicks Hi Colin – we will be announcing our Edinburgh Festival plans very soon!
mkirkwood74: @maffyfitz @ChasingtheHill @TulsiGabbard @Richard_Schiff @brentroske…I know….why not bring it across to the Edinburgh Festival….
GlobalComicReli: RT @edfringe: Planning #edfringe accommodation? This #Storify from last year might help: – Where do YOU recommend for a good stay?
gregor_angus: “@edfoc: Anyone interested in running a city centre mountain biking event as part of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling? Please RT” @dmbins ?
poveyemma: @twhiddleston Hi Tom, what advice would you give my daughter who is going to the Edinburgh festival with her local youth theatre in august.
dafyddapllwyd: RT @Cardiffrinj: Since @shyffl put on @rufusmufasa at @oxjam_cardiff ’09 she’s gone on to perform on S4C as a comedienne and at the Edinburgh Festival..
tomosp: RT @xLadyGardenx: . @eleanorthom’s debut solo show ‘Eleanor Thom: I Am Bev’ is at the Edinburgh Festival this summer! (coming soon)
GarryPlatt: RT @edfringe: Planning #edfringe accommodation? This #Storify from last year might help: – Where do YOU recommend for a good stay?
Steph_Smith21: RT @edfringe: Planning #edfringe accommodation? This #Storify from last year might help: – Where do YOU recommend for a good stay?
EleanorMorton: I am going to call my hairdressers ‘The Edinburgh Festival’
xLadyGardenx: . @eleanorthom’s debut solo show ‘Eleanor Thom: I Am Bev’ is at the Edinburgh Festival this summer! (coming soon)
ninahviid: RT @copenhagenize: RT @EdinCycleChic There’s a rumour that @copenhagenize might speak at Edinburgh Festival of Cycling who’s interested?
RedbridgeDrama: RT @edfringe: Planning #edfringe accommodation? This #Storify from last year might help: – Where do YOU recommend for a good stay?
edfringe: Planning #edfringe accommodation? This #Storify from last year might help: – Where do YOU recommend for a good stay?
denmarkinuk: RT @copenhagenize: RT @EdinCycleChic There’s a rumour that @copenhagenize might speak at Edinburgh Festival of Cycling who’s interested?
musti81uk: @pevovar40 yes do it Mann, friend started renting his rooms last year in Edinburgh for a month during Edinburgh festival,he makes good money
Kathfanderson: RT @copenhagenize: RT @EdinCycleChic There’s a rumour that @copenhagenize might speak at Edinburgh Festival of Cycling who’s interested?
rebeccajkaye: RT @copenhagenize: RT @EdinCycleChic There’s a rumour that @copenhagenize might speak at Edinburgh Festival of Cycling who’s interested?
edfoc: RT @copenhagenize: RT @EdinCycleChic There’s a rumour that @copenhagenize might speak at Edinburgh Festival of Cycling who’s interested?
wallace_colin: @JaneyGodley Just been looking at some of your Edinburgh Festival stuff on YouTube.. I don’t know how I’ve never seen you live!
shyffl: RT @Cardiffrinj: Since @shyffl put on @rufusmufasa at @oxjam_cardiff ’09 she’s gone on to perform on S4C as a comedienne and at the Edinburgh Festival..
tracygriffen: @scottiesays hello Claire, you might like to follow Edinburgh Festival of Cycling @edfoc to keep up to date with #cycling info….
rebeccajkaye: RT @edfoc: Anyone interested in running a city centre mountain biking event as part of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling? Please RT
de13aser: RT @thecgf: Glasgow 2014 cultural extravaganza ‘as big as Edinburgh Festival’ planned – #Glasgow2014 #Commonwealth
Cardiffrinj: Since @shyffl put on @rufusmufasa at @oxjam_cardiff ’09 she’s gone on to perform on S4C as a comedienne and at the Edinburgh Festival..
edinburghfest: [Edinburgh] Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of March 7, 2013: Colin_E_Hicks: @snoozeboxhotel Are sn…
sanshui596: Edinburgh Festival Fringe – where to stay (cheap) via @edfringe @sanshui596
suemckeeks: RT @edfoc: Anyone interested in running a city centre mountain biking event as part of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling? Please RT
linsayduncs: Colour Ham | Edinburgh Festival Fringe