The Artist as Explorer

Richard Dmearco and Aletia Upstairs

When I last met Richard Demarco, he was talking about retiring, stepping back from the gesamtkunstwerk which is his life and persona. He said ‘…there were no more five year plans.’ Of course this was a rueful reflection on his unique contribution, not only to to the arts in Edinburgh, but his advocacy of the…

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Older Wiser Smarter Meaner

Jo Caulfield

Hilarious, witty and intelligent Jo Caulfield keeps the audience laughing throughout her whole show, with her charismatic sense of humour and priceless stories about friends. This will make you remember all of your friends’ annoying habits and personality traits. The show flows so smoothly, without a moment of hesitation, as Jo never fails to make…

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(More) Moira Monologues

Alan Bissett in More Moira Monologues

Ye dinnae huv to be fae Fawkirk to pish your pants at this yin. If you don’t get that sentence, you could struggle with the dialect in this show. But not much. It’s Lowland Scots, Falkirkus Hallglenia Vulgaris variety. But there were Canadians in the audience who, although they admitted it took them a while…

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Locker Room Talk

Locker Room Talk

[This is a #TwoReviews™ Review – Two different reviews of the same performance] #TwoReviews is a literary creation owned by Locker Room Talk by Catherine Carnie Locker Room Talk by James O’Brien The slimy, self satisfied and sexually soaked voice of our current President of the Free World – which booms at the beginning…

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My Audience reviewed by Jo Caulfield

Jo Caulfield

This is a review of the audience watching Jo Caulfield’s performance by Jo Caulfield. First impressions are very important in comedy. The accepted wisdom being, the audience have 2 minutes before the comedian makes up their mind about them. With that in mind, this audience lost me in the first 30 seconds. Does no-one dress…

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The Winter’s Tale

The Winters Tale

If ever you wanted to know just how joyous and vibrant Shakespeare can be, come see this production. But don’t expect the cast to be leaping around in tights and cod-pieces. The shift of costume is to the 21st century, and to a very Scottish place – it also has a shift of language and…

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The Suppliant Women

There are a few things that immediately set this production of The Suppliant Women apart. One is the libation at the start – a local politician is invited to use a bottle of wine to anoint the thrust-forward, open stage. Real politician. Real wine. The names of those who have contributed financially to the play…

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Isabelle Georges – Oh Là Là

Oh Là Là

Oh boy – can this lady sing! And move. Isabelle Georges is a force of nature – and it’s a very specifically Parisian force of nature. From the very start, she dominates the room with her stage presence and her voice and movement. You’re in the presence of a brilliant performer, with a brilliant band…

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Can I Stop You There?

Can I stop you there?

In this show, the compères interrupt the comedians. Several times over. And every night, it’s a new set of comedians and a new set of interruptions. Add to this the fact you’re in an intimate venue, it’s after 11pm, and many of the audience are ‘quite receptive to laughter’ or ‘a wee bit drunk’ and…

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Jo Caulfield – Pretending to Care

Jo Caulfiled

I’m not sure Jo cares about show reviews. And I’m not sure this reviewer cares that she cares. But I have to report that her show is tight, funny, focused, and may occasionally make you snort, titter, wet yourself or cause you to cast your spit on the person in front of you. That is,…

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