Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of September 26, 2012
pkimage: PKIMAGE – Musicnotes: Edinburgh Festival 2012
NoraEldewiny: Disguised as a lecture and turns out to be a presentation about the ins and outs of uni… Swea saw this guy in Edinburgh festival -_-
garempot: i dont bellive in what you bellieve in acoustic , Edinburgh festival foo…: via @youtube
garempot: the 528s live in henrys the edinburgh festival 2012: via @youtube
JokePitUK: JokePit New Comedy Video: Stubbing Out Problems feat Sidney (from The Edinburgh Festival 2012) –
DavidBennett: @l88lra Which site? I’ve got an article with pics up on Quillcards. Is that the one?
l88lra: @DavidBennett Always fancied a visit to the Edinburgh festival,had abrief look at your website & some of your pics of this years.Lot goes on
DefenceAgentWA: @maryumum @adnan_8a @Tara_J_X im gona book you 2 in at the edinburgh festival next year #purecomedy
eh10photography: Festival Fireworks 2012 tags: castle edinburgh edinburgh-castle edinburgh-festival festival fireworks
WeAreDarkChat: @JosephBone Dear Joe, to see your 6 DARKCHAT nominations for “Bane 1,2,3” at this year’s Edinburgh festival check:
chris_coltrane: That is to say, it was the show I took to the Edinburgh festival, and now I’m doing it one final time in London.
xlvideo: New projectors, Deadmau5, Edinburgh Festival and more news from XL Video – our September newsletter!
Interesting read on the @guardian website on book cover design (includes a kitten!)
derbyunicareers: RT @CareersUWS: Media Muppet – Web Content Manager Vacancy @ The Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Edinburgh)
Binhawk: How this film film won an award at the Edinburgh Festival is beyond me. Its mental.
edinburghfest: [Edinburgh] Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of September 25, 2012: silly_cleo: @genericjenny I also w…