Twittering about The Edinburgh Festival as of August 11, 2012
battersea_arts: My Robot Heart started of as a #BACScratch at BAC. See the finished show if you are at #edfest #edfringe
MechaWeeg: RT @LouiseStewart: Going to Edinburgh festival tomorrow. Been practicing my heavy sighs and reactions to people knocking my bag off my shoulder.
clarkspeak: Remember that dude from #BGT who re-worked pop songs using nursery rhymes? He’s at #edfringe. #cabaret @mredwardreid
clarkspeak: Two girls crying for 50 minutes? Only at #edfringe… @XXXO_OG #edfest
ArinPodder: I posted 4 photos on Facebook in the album “Edinburgh Festival 2012”
CharlotteWillsH: Kinda wish I was getting in and about the Edinburgh Festival this year!! The Fun and Filth Cabaret sounds wayyy too good to miss!
Skye_1D: <3 the Edinburgh festival, one reason I LOVE home
elleduke7: Want to go to Edinburgh festival !
FionaSkillen: had a great time seeing the brilliant @FascinatingAida last night! Not to be missed if you are at the Edinburgh Festival.
RockyRoAdo: RT @FollowTheCow: 5*****
“preposterous, fascinating and totally brilliant”
“preposterous, fascinating and totally brilliant”
Boom Boom Club at Underbelly Edinburgh Festival Fringe!
FestivalSuffolk: RT @easternangles: Thanks to @lyngardner for ‘tipping’ #iheartpeterborough in her day weekly theatre tips
muldoon: Seems conprehensive. RT @PaulMac The Edinburgh Festival Comedy bingo card 2012 #edfest
garempot: rising sun acoustic by glrswalker: via @youtube video scences of edinburgh festival edinburgh 2012
mizinhak: The Edinburgh Festival
EdinReporter: RT @ARedinburgh: RT @ARfringe: Not sure what to see at #edfringe? La Clique at @FamousSpiegel get 5 stars from @EdinReporter
crochte: RT @trevorjonesart: Just finished hanging a few of my #qrcode paintings in the gorgeous Usher Hall for the Edinburgh festival.
easternangles: Thanks to @lyngardner for ‘tipping’ #iheartpeterborough in her day weekly theatre tips
ARedinburgh: RT @ARfringe: Not sure what to see at #edfringe? La Clique at @FamousSpiegel get 5 stars from @EdinReporter
LouiseStewart: Going to Edinburgh festival tomorrow. Been practicing my heavy sighs and reactions to people knocking my bag off my shoulder.
trevorjonesart: Just finished hanging a few of my #qrcode paintings in the gorgeous Usher Hall for the Edinburgh festival.
TomJacksonblows: RT @Bacon_Opera: The Independent is lumping my opera in with Edinburgh highlights such as Stewart Lee and Daniel Kitson! See you there.
FollowTheCow: 5*****
“preposterous, fascinating and totally brilliant”
“preposterous, fascinating and totally brilliant”
Boom Boom Club at Underbelly Edinburgh Festival Fringe!
mickhargan: Playing The Edinburgh Festival Tomorrow. Free entry. On at 1715. Here’s the link
jackbutleruk: Jack Butler will be playing a show as part of the Edinburgh Festival tonight with the fabulous Vocal Orchestra…
mark_thorburn: RT @kieran_hurley: A wee interview with me & @johnnywhoop talking about theatre and techno an that @RosieArches @traversetheatre #edfringe
joannmeikle: Edinburgh festival time #minkpink #alexbluh #balenciaga
janeypoo: asjnvjndhfru Edinburgh festival torrents. The comedy geek in me had a mini comedeygasm.
Scotland4me: N7: Edinburgh International Festival: Opening concert – A Mass of Light, review: There was no way the 150th anni…
KipperTheatre: Kipper Tie Theatre return to the Fringe 2012 with kids’ show Our Island | Edinburgh Festival Guide
MatthewLinley: @lyngardner picks #iheartpeterborough, The Price of Everything, The Ugly Sisters, Mies Julie, Knee Deep
vanillacomedy: RT @ImprovertsTech:
lisa_loo_19: Ladyboys tonight at the edinburgh festival
Bacon_Opera: The Independent is lumping my opera in with Edinburgh highlights such as Stewart Lee and Daniel Kitson! See you there.
GregorCubie: @OVNV_Edinburgh’s #OnHourOnly and @pindippycave both mentioned in @alicevjones’ #EdFringe Diary:
MichaelRosenYes: RT @moses_brian: It’s a bright sun shining day for the start of the Edinburgh Festival. Wish I was there, but still 10 days to go to my show!
MindfulMum: Visiting Edinburgh this summer? Here are our top 20 Edinburgh Festival shows for kids! #edinburghfringe
LUUBackstage: So, Edinburgh Festival Fringe is now in full flow. What shows have you been to see?
MsClaireBiddles: Everyone at the Edinburgh festival is either walking far too slowly or far too fast
brokenbottleboy: If you’re headed to the Edinburgh Festival next week, please check out @CineFringeFilms. It’s going to be awesome.
bramblejam: @BBC I’ve looked *everywhere* and can’t find your 24 channels of live coverage from the Edinburgh Festival. Where is equality of coverage?
22_03_98_69: @Nicola_Taylor_ idk!:/ Edinburgh festival thing? Shopping? Idk what else!
JoCaird: A wee piece by me about @beescope’s #EdFringe show, Monkey Bars in the Indy
Hireagreencar: Edinburgh Festival 2012: fun after midnight via @guardian
D_Temples: Just off to the Edinburgh festival, can’t wait to get started!!
JilloxJill: RT @ARfringe: Not sure what to see at #edfringe? La Clique at @FamousSpiegel get 5 stars from @EdinReporter
NeoCoN7: Heading to see @realMickFoley tonight at the Edinburgh Festival! Can’t wait!!!
MorlockHauntsMe: RT @DaleAThomson: Edinburgh festival and the sun is out again.
What_An_Act: RT @ARfringe: Not sure what to see at #edfringe? La Clique at @FamousSpiegel get 5 stars from @EdinReporter
DaleAThomson: Edinburgh festival and the sun is out again.